We all find ourselves in that moment of shame when we're throwing out that uneaten aubergine that had great plans for, or that hummous that was never even opened. The Ferris team have at pulled together their best hacks for reducing waste in the kitchen - saving angst and money at the same time!
1 Source groceries locally
Buying food that is grown close to where you live is a great way to reduce food waste and save a few pennies at the same time. The items will likely be fresher as they have spent less time travelling (don't we all!) and cheaper because it is part of the in-season batch.
2 Food storage
Making sure you put the right food in the right storage is absolutely key. For instance, not all items are best kept in the fridge to stay fresh. Sometimes a cool cupboard or corner is more effective than the fridge or freezer. For example, potatoes are best kept out of the fridge. Also, different parts of the fridge suit different fruit, vegetables and meat in storage.
3. Check the real best before date
'Best before' dates can very often be overly cautious and this can lead to a lot of fresh food being thrown away. 'Best before' means exactly that. It does not mean that food is inedible a day later, or dangerous for that matter! It suggests that the food may lose some of its taste, aesthetic or nutritional value.
Use your nose and eyes as a guide - in general if you see mould or smell something suspect, then that's the time to toss it!
4. Make a list!
Making a list before doing a grocery shop is a very simple but effective way of reducing food waste. Very often we go out and buy duplicates as we can't remember if we had any of that particular ingredient left.
This also give you the chance to check out what's left in the fridge, freezer and cupboards, allowing you to brainstorm meals that can incorporate what's left. Is it a stew with those left over carrots, or an omellete to use up those eggs and peppers?!
5. Have a refresh strategy
This is the process of keeping stuff that's likely to go off, and repurposing them. This could be chopping up browning bananas and freezing them for use in a smoothie, or shredding that left over roast chicken breast and readying it for a chicken/avocado salad for lunch tomorrow.